Wednesday, May 6, 2009

After reading a little more on this issue I have found out that this is a very controversial issue within Australia. Many people think that the intervention was a matter of urgency, while others think that it was a political ploy. I read through some articles by proffesor Marcia Langton who is a leading scholar and advocate for indigenous Australians (, 2008). Marcia is in favour of the intervention however is worried that the government isn't taking a clear policy direction on the issue and playing both sides of the debate (The Australian, 2009). Marcia explains in an article that the intervention is not a new concept for the Aboriginal population as the problems being addressed have been going on for decades (Sydney Morning Herald, 2007).

Many Aboriginal elders are angry that this intervention has taken place, believing that it is violating their human rights (The Australian, 2009). Reading another article written by a publishing place called Green Left Weekly, it gives a lot of facts against the intervention and why the policy isn't working. The article explains that the policy has many flaws and the way the intervention cant fix everything going on, eg helping abused children, improving services to Aboriginal communities, welfare benefits and allowed entry into Aboriginal communities(, 2008)

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting follow-up post. Feel free to post sections of articles with links so that readers can follow up on the same articles. I look forward to more as you continue the blog. Well done with these posts, but it'd be good to see this progress quite a bit further in coming weeks.
