Friday, June 19, 2009

Little Children are Sacred is the name of the report on Aboriginal sexual abuse in the Northern Territory. It sums up the reason behind the intervention in that it is aimed at preventing the abuse of Aboriginal children and helping those who need it. The most common form of maltreatment in Indigenous children is neglect 36%, followed by emotional abuse 31%, physical abuse 23% and then sexual abuse 10%. (AIHW, 2005) There is also a significant difference between the number of reports on abuse in Indigenous children than non-Indigenous children. (Healey, 2008) In each state a ratio of Indigenous to non-Indigenous maltreatment has been recorded by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Victoria has the highest ratio of 10.8:1 followed by South Australia of 10.2:1 with Tasmania and ACT being the lowest at 0.8:1 and 1:1. (AIHW, 2005)
These kind of statistics are alarming but why is there so much more child abuse in Indigenous communities than in non-Indigenous? There are different theories to this question, however there is a common reason that can relate to the others. This seeming to be a loss of Identity and and reason for Aboriginal people. (Pearson, 2000) From 'stolen generations' to assimilation policies, Indigenous culture has been 'traumatised' over generations and gives a good indication of why this destructive behaviour in the community exists. (Cunneen & Libesman, 2000)
To sum up my last blog, I feel that an Intervention was needed within these Indigenous communities as the protection of children should be a number one priority. We need to see more being done though as abuse still continues. I personally think that education is a major key into fixing the issues, also the use of alcohol and illicit drugs has to be eliminated in order for the Aboriginal people to repair the damage already done to children and communities.
We need to protect these children as they are our future and will continue the cycle of abuse with future generations unless something is done to help.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information and reflections you've posted.
